Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Volleyball vs. Stevens HS School
5.0 years ago @ 9:35PM
- Game Date
- Sep 6, 2019
- Score
- ROYALSMascoma Valley Regional High School: 3
M 25 S 18
M 25 S 23
M 25 S 17
Tonights win was truly a team effort and everyone contributed nicely for the win. Returning players anchored us and and those new to the varsity squad contributed nicely. All in all, the Royals rallied and stayed positive through the match to earn the win. It was great to have such a terrific turnout of fans for tonights match.
Player highlights.
Laura Henry, (#8 Senior) was our "player of the match" with terrific all-around play including several kills, steady passing and very strong serving. Other players with strong performances included:
Renee French, (#20 Senior) with terrific serve receive and defense,
Lindsay McDonald, (#10 Senior) strong serving and net play.
Kira Emery (#1, Senior) & Jadyn Bates (#3, Junior) provided consistent, difficult serving.
Rhiana DeCosta (#4 Senior) contributed with steady passing.
All four of the players who rotated in as setter played well in the match. Jadyn Bates, Cassidi Timlake (#9 Senior), Kira Emery & Cardigan Loupis (#16 Sophomore).
It is fantastic to start out with a win.